Blog Content Best Practices Baseline I’m going to start off by saying: you might be wondering why this post, about the content of your blog content, is coming before content...
What to Write When You Don’t Know What to Write: Blog Topic Brainstorming
What to Write when you Don't Know What to Write Question: How do I know what to write about? I can’t seem to come up with topics that feel good to me. This is going to be...
Blogging with Confidence: Getting Comfortable with your Voice
Getting Comfortable with your Voice Question: How can I gain confidence in my writing? I’m not very good, and I hate everything that I put together. This is the first question I...
Why You Should be Blogging for Your Business
Why you should blog for your business You’ve seen the advice everywhere - “blog for your SEO” and “blog to get web traffic” - and my personal favorite - “blog to rank on Google!”...
Adding Fonts to your Library on a Mac
Want to add new fonts on your mac? But can't find where to put them? I run into this question all the time. You've purchased or downloaded new fonts... but like, how do...
Self Care IS a Business Activity | Avoid BURNOUT
Looking for pro-tips on getting the FUCK out of burn out? There's a training in the Strategic Female Entrepreneurs that talks about my favourite tips - go check it out!...
ANNOUNCING: The Brand Mentality Mastermind
I'm Launching a MASTERMIND!! That's right!! A GROUP Program! So - not everyone wants to give up the control over their branding process, and I understand that. That's why...
Need Creative Commons Licensed Imagery? Well yeah, nearly every business owner does. Except for you, photographers, I see you. You do not need this. Please feel free to carry...
Custom branding is fantastic…
There’s another way!
Business and branding guidance
Get the support of an industry expert who has been where you are now - whether that's to get direction once, or for ongoing support!
WEB or brand Design
The branding you use for your business should create an ecosystem for your work, regardless of what you do. And... it should speak to your ideal clients.
Information about 1:1 support
Sometimes accountability is key, and having someone over your shoulder, making sure you're taking the steps you need to take is what makes the difference!