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You Don’t Have to be Pinterest Perfect: A Confession About my Desk

by | Jul 8, 2021 | 0 comments

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✦ Dear Self-Employed-Humans: Stop judging yourself ✦

I drool over people’s workspaces on Pinterest. I pin them ALL the time. Gorgeous, neutral desk setups, with a computer, keyboard, and maybe a coffee. Possibly a notebook? But probably not.

They’re elegant. They’re streamlined. They’re distraction-free.

Maybe they have a sign behind them reminding them of their boss babe ™ status… or rather reminding everyone else… and they always have the perfect space to do recordings for instagram live, or their new course materials.

I imagined the lives of those who had those desks – those neutral, bare desks.


And then there’s me.

Everything I just described, is about as opposite from my own desk as I can possibly imagine. My desk is a hot mess. There’s post-its everywhere. Bright colours. A massive calendar on the wall, hand made, that I mark down my deadlines, income, and honestly anything else mildly important on. There’s usually about three pairs of headphones within reach, and don’t get me started on where my cables go. (Everywhere. The cables go everywhere.)

I have a candle I’ve never lit, and some crystals for no particular reason. Nail polish bottles. A necklace, and usually like five hairbands.

And it’s been like this for quite some time. I can see four pairs of glasses from where I’m sitting now. I wore one today to prevent a headache… but uhh. There’s also a pair with a missing lens hanging from my pin board, that were stomped on at a rave in the beforetimes.


In fact, I work in my bedroom.

That’s right folks. I work in by bedroom. In a simpler time (#covid19) I had an office. I rented a two-bed duplex, and I loved it. It felt like all the space in the world – and honestly compared to what I’ve got going on now, it was. It was ALL the space in the world.

It was lovely.

And now, I work from my little room, that I’ve been in for all but two weeks since March 2020.

And you know what? It’s ALSO lovely.

I don’t want to ignore the fact that yeah, it’s cramped. And yes, it’s difficult. And ALSO yes, I share this space with Luke, and that gets sticky sometimes. We eat in here, watch Friends in here, play Minecraft together in here… and we both work here as well. And that’s not easy.


But it’s also magical.

Specifically magical. In an important way. Because it’s real. It’s real life. It’s what I’ve got, and I’m working with it. We’re in one room.

And you know what? This has been an incredible year in my business so far.

My desk doesn’t look like those perfect desks. And I’m doing just fine.

You don’t have to have a Pinterest perfect workspace to be successful.

You don’t have to be neat and tidy and live in a magical unicorn land with sparkles and an only neutral palette.

And there’s no room for you to judge yourself for not having those spaces you see everywhere – because it’s not a prerequisite for success.

In fact, taking the time out of your day to judge yourself, and worry about your workspace… it actively takes away from the productive hours you DO have to devote to your business. There are so, so, SO many more important elements of your process to spend your time on, as opposed to focusing on something so superficial as whether the top of your desk is Pinterest perfect. 

You can surround yourself with what makes you happy – even if you find that happiness in chaos.

Hey hey, I’m Gabrielle! But you can call me Gabs.

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