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My Favorite Witchy Canva Element Sets 2022

by | Apr 18, 2022 | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 min ( Word Count: 1233 )


✦ My favorite Witchy Canva Element Sets ✦

Finding the Canva element that’s just perfect for the design you’re working on is a magical moment.   

Even more magical? Finding a WHOLE SET of them that match, and can be used across your branded content!! Honestly… the worst possible thing when you’re working in the Canva (or Canva Pro) library, is finding the perfect element… and realizing that it’s all on its lonesome. There’s no others that match it, so you’re kind of stuck. You either have to dig around until you can find one by another artist that will work for what you’re doing, or… you just… leave it. This is especially true when it comes to witchy Canva element sets. 

Thankfully, earlier in 2022, Canva released a new feature for us Contributors. They’re now allowing us to submit our elements as a part of “Collections” or “Sets”. This means we can submit elements that are intentionally set up to be collections, so that you have a variety of elements with a matching theme, that you can use for more consistency in your content.

It’s pretty damn amazing, and I’m kind of obsessed with it.

However, since it’s so new… it’s still being implemented by designers. And what this means for you? Finding elements with full collections attached to them isn’t always easy. So, I’ve collected (is that a pun?) a set of witchy-themed collections for you, that way you don’t have to spend your time searching, you can spend your time designing!


Navigating to the Sets

To access these sets on Canva, just copy and paste the first line under their descriptions! Most will start with “set:” but not all of them do, as I’ve gotten a little bit creative for the access codes to certain element collections. A couple of these aren’t TECHNICALLY sets, per Canva’s system, however,  they ARE sets from the perspective of their design components!


Pastel Rainbow Hands Witchy Canva Element Set

1. Ethereal Holographic Pastel Gradient Witchy Hands


This set of witchy, celestial hands has been designed with a subtle, light, airy gradient in the background! Perfect for branding looking to use the lighter side of witchiness, as opposed to leaning into the more moody content you see most places. There are also included elements with celestial vibes, brought in through a simple pattern using negative space!

Witchy Canva Element Set of Celestial Potion Bottles

2. Witchy Celestial Potion Bottle Outlines


These potion bottles are available with and without the celestial illustrations floating around in them, and if I do say so myself… they’re super fun! If you’re holding a new moon or full moon event at your event space or online, they’d make a brilliant addition to your promotional graphics! With about 15 different bottle shapes, no matter what kind of space you have available for illustrations on your graphic, you’ll be able to fit them in. This witchy Canva element set will take your designs to the next level!

3. Dreamy Lavender, Purple, Blue Gradient Backgrounds


I’m personally obsessed with a good fluid gradient. A nice liquid flow, with dreamy movement. This set does just that! And in calming, deep, moody tones. The blues and lavenders are even able to be shifted to other tones, if you use the photo editing tools in Canva for your images! So if you like the overall vibe, but aren’t feeling the colours… don’t worry. You can modify them!

4. Celestial and Witchy Canva Element Set

artist:”FlipLine” AND brand:BABUQkUrU3I

This linework set is structured, but GORGEOUS. It’s not technically a set per Canva’s internal system, but just from looking at them it should be pretty clear that they’re intended to be used together. There’s a TON of these on the platform if you use the line above to search for them, and no matter what you need, you’ll be able to find it in this style. It’s an absolutely fabulous witchy element set, and I’m personally going to be using it in some templates here soon!

5. Rustic Watercolor Abstract Elements


We all need some good abstract shapes now and again, right? They’re SO FUN, and you can use them as backgrounds, or centrepoints of your designs. Incredibly versatile, and incredibly fun. This set though, includes a variety of snakes and flourishes that have an antique, rustic, witchy vibe that’s to die for! And just like those gradients, you can make changes to the images themselves via the Canva image editing tools. 

6. Elegant Gold Foil Watercolor Backgrounds


Is your witchy content more on the elegant side? Looking for some celestial-ish backgrounds that will make your content stand out? These are them. This is it. Problem solved. This set of watercolor backgrounds is handpainted, and hand foiled in both rose gold and yellow gold variations. There are moody deep colours available, so that you can use them with light text for graphics that pop! Or, you can lean more into the neutral versions, and pair them with dark vector outlines to make your point. 

Rustic Brushstroke Canva Element Set

7. Simple Messy Vector Brushstrokes


Vector brushstrokes are a necessary element of every brand, in my opinion. You HAVE to have elements that you can use in backgrounds, and these make that happen! These vector brushstrokes include some symbols as well, in the same style! So you don’t have to just stick with using this style behind text or as a highlight… you can use it for your actual symbol graphics in your designs as well!

Traditional Tattoo Style Witchy Canva Element Set

8. Witchy Vector Graphic Illustrations


I love a good traditional-tattoo-style illustration. They have a bit of nostalgia to them that I just really enjoy looking at. And this set has that vibe! There are tons of graphics in it, from crystals, to celestial sunshine, ranging all the way into more occult-y elements for those of you who are into more deep witchcraft based content. The colours are completely changeable, meaning you can make these lil guys match your branding, no matter what! Whether you’re a monochromatic brand or a bright one, these elements will match your content. 

Celestial Animal Witchy Canva Element Set

m8. Celestial Vector Graphic Animals

artist:”Lelly_arty” AND celestial animals

This post wouldn’t be complete without celestial animals! This is another set that isn’t a proper set (yet) in Canva, but you can easily arrive at all of the elements in it using the line above. Nearly every animal you can think of, from snakes and frogs to whales and bears are available in this style from Lelle_arty. They’re also vectors, and you know what that means! You van change their colours to match your branding, no matter what you need. 

Floral Zodiac Sign Witchy Canva Element Set

8. Star Sign Floral Vector Illustrations

artist:”Gabrielle Scarlett” AND astrology AND tarot

Finally… we can’t have a witchy set breakdown without some zodiac symbols! This floral set of star sign illustrations is one of my own personal sets. It’s not a proper set in Canva as it was submitted before that feature was available, but the set itself is easily accessible anyway! Just copy and paste the above line and you’ll get where you want to go. All zodiac signs are available in vector, and some are even available in gold, rose gold, and a purple moody gradient! These will go fabulously on weekly/daily reading posts, and worked into your Instagram® stories about zodiac traits.


And if you’re feeling extra feisty… I have a whole other suite of Witchy Canva Element sets on my profile: HERE


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Hey hey, I’m Gabrielle! But you can call me Brie.

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