✦ My favorite Witchy Canva Element Sets ✦ Finding the Canva element that's just perfect for the design you're working on is a magical moment. Even more magical? Finding a...
5 Questions to ask Before Hiring a Brand Designer
✦ 5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Brand Designer ✦ Not to be dramatic, but: Hiring a brand designer is a massive decision for your business. My clients put an incredible...
My Favorite Elegant Aesthetic Canva Fonts
✦ My favorite Elegant Aesthetic Canva Fonts ✦ There are so, so, SO many options for what fonts to use on Canva, especially if you're a Canva Pro user. I could (and sometimes...
Show Up Simply: Staying Consistent on Social Media
✦ Keeping your Social Media Consistent ✦ Growing a following for your business takes a lot - but what it takes the most of, is consistency. You absolutely have to be consistent...
Show Up Simply: What You Wear is Part of your Brand
✦ Showing up SIMPLY (Hot Takes Below)✦ I regularly see coaches and strategists talking about the importance of putting “effort” into the way you look when you show up in your...
What’s in a Brand Package?
✦ What’s in a Brand Package? ✦ If you’ve followed me for a while, you know that your brand is much, much more than just a logo. In fact, I no longer offer logos individually,...
Why You Shouldn’t Build Your Logo In Canva
✦ Why You Shouldn’t Build Your Logo in Canva ✦ I love Canva. Designing in Canva Pro has streamlined SO many of my processes, and I will shout that from the rooftops to literally...
Responding to Price Shoppers as a Creative
✦ Responding to Price Shoppers as a Creative ✦ I want to preface this by saying three things. First, there is nothing wrong with price shopping. I mean, I personally price shop,...
Custom branding is fantastic…
There’s another way!
Business and branding guidance
Get the support of an industry expert who has been where you are now - whether that's to get direction once, or for ongoing support!
WEB or brand Design
The branding you use for your business should create an ecosystem for your work, regardless of what you do. And... it should speak to your ideal clients.
Information about 1:1 support
Sometimes accountability is key, and having someone over your shoulder, making sure you're taking the steps you need to take is what makes the difference!