Building an aligned brand DOESN’T have to drain your wallet, OR fry your brain

Build the brand your business NEEDS

With the support of an Aligned Branding Strategist



Let’s face it: you’re a control freak. I get it, I am too – if it’s got to do with my business, I want my hands ALLLLLL up in it.

So outsourcing your brand building feels ICKY when you think about it. Like the kind of icky that makes your shoulders scrunch up – you feel the gross in your body.

YOU want to be the one outlining your colours, defining your tones, selecting your typefaces – you even ENJOY doing it when you sit down to get the work done!


But, you find yourself:

  • Uncertain whether the choices you’re making are RIGHT for your brand
  • Wondering why your content isn’t attracting your ideal client
  • Uncertain about WHO your ideal client even IS
  • Getting CRICKETS to all of your content
  • CRINGING before you send your branded content to clients who have asked for your web links (oof)
  • Moving your branding process to the END of your list, every week… for the last six months
  • AGONIZING over all of your choices, because… well… you don’t know whether you’re taking the right steps

You WANT to get it done – and you WANT to do it yourself. But….. you know this isn’t your zone of genius.

So, what now? 


^ This. This is what’s next.



Normally, if you want the support of a Branding professional, you have to go one of two ways – 1:1 coaching support, or a done-for-you package.

I mean, until THIS, those were the only ways to work with me, too!

But neither of those options work for you – I get it. You don’t want to relinquish the control required to start a done-for-you package, and brand coaching doesn’t quite fit with what you need either, because you don’t have the branding yet. 

So, let’s solve that problem. 😉


Merging the BEST of both 1:1 Brand Design Support, and Brand Coaching


Over the course of the 12 Week program, you’ll spend time with me and with your group members, building your branding content from an aligned, gorgeous, and DELIBERATE place, using my signature Brand Mentality process! 

We root through the needs of your ideal client so that the content you develop is MAGNETIC, 110%. You’ll be able to deploy it on ALL of your platforms, with training on HOW to use what we’ve created together to make MASSIVE impact for your business. 


So like, how are we going to spend our time?

MODULE 1: Values + Audience

In order to build a powerful brand, you have to have it built ON something – we root this into your values, and the need/values of your audience! 

MODULE 2: Feelings + Colours

The first stage of brand building following defining the framework and base in your brand values, is developing a colour palette based in colour psychology.

MODULE 3: Fonts + Textures

The next stage, is selecting fonts and textures to pair with those colours, ALSO rooting back to those values and audience needs that we began with! 

MODULE 4: Logo Design

This is the most difficult module, but also the one that comes with the most support! We will work together to develop a word mark for your business, at minimum, and a suite of three logo options at max! 

MODULE 5: Tone + Graphics

If you’re going to use your content to sell what you do – which, I mean, I would assume is why you’re here… you’re going to need GRAPHICS to do that! This is where we talk about those, and using them to curate a tone.

MODULE 6: Consistency

Okay, so you have all the tools… now… what about using them? This is where I spill all the best practices, tips, tricks, and tools I have for maintaining a brand consistently. So get ready for ALL the details! 


Like, this is great and all, but WHAT WILL I HAVE WHEN I’M DONE?

When you complete the program, you’ll have:

  • Clarity on the identity of your ideal client
  • Clarity on the VALUES that underly your brand
  • A colour palette
  • A colour ratio map
  • A set of fonts for use in your graphics
  • A set of textures
  • Logo designs to use on your content
  • Branded tones to guide your graphics and photos
  • Finished graphics to use in promotion
  • A PLAN to maintain consistency

During the Program, we will:

  • Have bi-weekly training videos accessed through Kajabi
  • Have bi-weekly Q&A sessions with me, to ensure you get your questions answered about the homework!
  • Get customized homework for your brand development
  • Use Canva templates to complete design homework
  • Spend time in content feedback focus groups
  • Get 1:1 DM access to me, to answer any question you have about your branding design process that you’d rather ask outside of the context of a group Q&A session


Theres some BONUSES in it for you! 



I can’t help it: I love giving things away – so, the FIRST 15 PEOPLE TO SIGN UP FOR THE DISCOUNT PLAN, get 1:1 Logo Design sessions with me.

Yes, for the HARDEST module of the program, you’ll get sessions DIRECTLY with me, to provide guidance, brainstorm, develop your designs, and work right there, live, on your content.  (This addition onto the program will retail for an additional $222, sooo talk about a bonus!!)


AND, simply for participating in the presale at all (whether you prefer the extended or the discount plan) you’ll get: 

  • Added Canva graphic templates
  • A FULL Canva training, pre-recorded and downloadable
  • ACCESS TO THE BONUS TRAINING, the week before the program officially launches!

These are only going to be available while the program is on presale though, so if you want to take advantage of it all… you know what to do! <3 

Still Got Questions?

Just reach out!



Feel free to message me on FACEBOOK, or, just use the form and I’ll get back to you ASAP! 

6 + 5 =